Disney Weight Loss Goal: Deadline: October

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pretend Your On a Diet

Sometimes when trying to lose weight I get to the point where I realize I'm trying to cheat 'the system' and see how much I can get away with and still see progress. Why am I surprised when I see little or no results?! I count my calories, I work out and I know I can have a snack and so I reach for the cookies! What?! So every now and again I have this moment of clarity when I realize I should just try and pretend I'm actually on a diet and first grab an apple or a carrot and not the cookies. That's what a diet is supposed to look like, right? I know we don't need to starve ourselves and forbidding anything you desire will probably result in disaster- but at least let's try and pretend we're on a diet!!! I think that's why we try all sorts of crazy diets too- so in some way we can cheat with out actually cheating. We can avoid fruits and veggies because we're on a low carb diet and eat lots of meat, cheese, and eggs. Nevermind veggies are supposed to be key to that type of diet. But instead of a fruit or veggie snack we'll grab nuts or cheese- calorie dense foods. Not the quickest way to lose weight. Just an example of things I've done in the past... that didn't get me far very fast. Just to note, I'm actually making progress and chose fruit to help me get through the morning. I'm also meeting friends at a fast food joint today and have already picked my calories- a grilled chicken salad with no cheese, light on the dressing. Plus two chicken nuggets. Today will be another great day- despite my location at lunchtime. Workout Update: I've started the Turbo Fire workout program. I was freaking out about eating more calories with less workout time, and the scale did jump a pound, but it's back down again and I feel like I'm making progress. Today is my rest day and I need it. I might do some Just Dance Wii with my daughter tonight just to get the blood pumping a little.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Turbo Fire 5 Day Inferno Plan Results

Well, I actually completed something, and completed it well! I'm not sure what inspired me last week to begin this program, but I'm glad I gave it a go! I considered it when I first received the TF program, but the workouts were too new to me and I think it best to be acquainted with the program and workouts before starting 5 days of intensity. Basic details of 5 Day Inferno Program: - 1200 calories per day - 60 minutes of intense workout each day. The diet plan was easy to follow with reasonable recipes. I picked out my favorites from the plan and tweaked things to be my own. I was surprised how easily I adjusted to 1200 calories, I'm used to almost 2000 per day. I really enjoyed the workouts, and although I didn't do as many HIIT workouts as outlined, I did what I was capable of as close to the plan as possible. My Results: Lost 3 pounds Lost 1/2 inch off my hips and bust Lost 1 inch off my waist Any progress in inches didn't show up until the last day. But any change in inches in just 5 days is amazing! Secretly excited because this quickly brought my body shape back to what it was before Christmas, even though the pounds aren't exactly the same. I'm also hoping to see more and better results in a few days. I started my period in the middle of this 5 day plan. But I still lost weight and inches. I know I have extra water weight. It also means I avoided the time of the month were I tend to gain weight and it derails any momentum and progress I've made. What's Next? I'm going to jump right in to the Turbo Fire workout plan after a day of rest. It's strongly recommended to not exceed 5 days of this program. Technically I did 6 of the inferno plan, but did not workout on day 5. It was Valentine's day and I had a busy day planned. But I only had about 1400 calories for the day- another success for me! Anything is possible! For TF I'm allowed 1850 calories. This is sure going to be an adjustment. I'm afraid I'll let snacks take over my life like they had before. I am going to try to follow their diet plan again to establish the appropriate habits and keep seeing success. I looked at the schedule and I'm kinda disappointed with how easy it looks! I'm used to rocking it for an hour each day, now some days are a short 20 min HIIT, still intense, but I'm sure I won't feel 'done'. I guess that's what my elliptical is for. Or I'll add some abs into the program. I feel like I can actually accomplish my goals, not necessarily this whole program but make a difference in my body and lose some weight before the summer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oh, the mental games we play....

I'm discovering something about myself. I hope I can explain myself clearly for others to understand, because I'm still trying to figure out the best way to say it. Who knows, maybe this will help free someone in their routine. I feel lately as if I'm being productive in my weight loss journey. No huge losses as of yet, but headed the right direction with lots of healthy choices each day. And it seems kinda easy. And I wonder why and how that is. Well, this is what I've come up with. I do better with loose boundaries than firm defined lines. Let me explain. If I make a plan, or follow someone else's plan that says 5 vegetables a day, workout for 60 minutes a day, 25 grams of fiber, and no more than 50 carbs in a day- well I'm gong to fail. We probably all would.. That's too much. But even just one or two of those 'rules' is almost too much for me. (And did you notice I said fail? Soooo black and white.) Let me explain again. I do better when I decide(nonchalantly) that I want to work out most every day than having to workout everyday. It's too much mental pressure to keep up with that routine. Sure, skipping a day isn't a big deal, but I did cross that firm line... Now my routine is off... Blah blah blah. Same thing works with diet. If I decide to try to eat less carbs, I do better than trying to keep my carbs in an acceptable box. That makes some foods 'bad' and some good. Mental games! So despite my crazy backward mind game I play with myself to trick me into continually making healthy choices- it seems to be working. I noticed today, that despite not officially starting my Turbo Fire workout, I've done 3 or 4 workouts Ina row- mixing them up. Kinda sounds like I'm starting. Hmmm.... I'm also tracking really well. I even did an extra workout tonight because we went to Pizza Hut. Yum!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year

Hey it works! I was having some problems/ glitches accessing my blog, so as the astute problem solver I am, I just quite trying! I definitely have missed it, and it's probably more of a journal for me than a helpful blog for others, but oh we'll. It is what it is. So it's a new year and been a long time since I've blogged. The last post was about my P90X adventure. I completed 3-4 weeks of the program. I was slightly discouraged by my results, although I'll admit my diet might not have been perfect, not because I didn't try, it was hard to follow. I also came to understand, begrudgingly, that this was more of a muscle toning/ building program(duh) and despite my hopeful aspirations to drop a bunch of weight, it wasn't designed to do that. I need a fat loss program. So where am I now? What have I been up to? Well, I discovered My Fitness Pal, a wonderful tool to track calories and exercise. I was losing about 1 pound per week on that. Not very fast. So I attempted to carb cycle for a week, then two. Couldn't commit to that second week. Takes a lot of dedication and diligence. I could do 1 week and had good results. I did put all the weight back on. I learned a valuable lesson, I can't try extreme programs because it's too hard to maintain and when I fail I will enviably *binge* in my own way. I don't really binge but I do over eat and have a lot of cravings and fall off the band wagon. So slow and steady is my race. I don't like slow and steady. But 4-5 pounds lost per month is better than 4-5 pounds lost and 5-6 pounds gained! Currently I have put on some Christmas weight despite my husband working with me and both of us trying to prevent this for ourselves. I'm at my highest of 206, actually 204 as of today. Although, my continuous New Year's setback at starting anything new is my birthday, January 6th. Not even a week into the new year and cake is a requirement. Plus leftover cake. Come on people! So I haven't started anything too rigorous except tracking my calories. I started using my heart rate monitor, which has encouraged me to try new workouts(I now own Zumba and Turbo Fire). I may start TF in the near future, my husband has even agreed to do it with me! Zumba was a bit of a disappointment, although I haven't tried all the workouts. I love the classes I have attended at the Y, but the videos are a bit slow and don't seem to motivate me to move and dance as much... I don't know why. Maybe as I learn the routine a bit more. Turbo Fire is a great workout. It's definitely high intensity and I think my body will adapt to handle it. I don't always like a high intensity workout though, I'm kinda lazy. But the elliptical is a bit of a bore and not enough of a push for me. So reluctantly, I should strive for the harder workout. Not the best attitude for the new year. Do you read a lot of blogs? I do. And apparently all the bloggers I follow are type A list makers. Ugh.... I am not, but then they are successful bloggers! So my in-box is full of lists of books to read and ways to organize your kitchen and your life, goals to change your life, straitened up your finances, your budget... on and on it goes. Maybe I should make a few goals. I'm hesitant to set a deadline or make a resolution for something incredible, but I still firmly believe I don't want to fuss with dieting and my weight my whole life! I certainly don't want a list for my whole year- yuck! I'd like to start with a solid plan, track my calories and do TF to completion. Sounds like a good plan. But I'm afraid it would be too extreme. It's a hard program. I've never competed a "program"... I'm not sure my husband is up for the task either...it would mean early mornings for us to do it together(to keep him invested) and I just don't have the energy to do that. I have the time to exercise I just need to commit to it and plan so I'm not overwhelmed, Well, I'll get back to you on what I decide and what I start to do. Right now I have a birthday to plan for!

Monday, April 16, 2012

P90X - Day 15

Things are getting hard for me mentally. My diet continues to slip and I don't want to exercise. But I think it's because emotionally I'm drained. Hubby has been gone 9 days and despite other recent trips going well for me, this one is not. I'm losing my temper with the kids all the time. They really just don't listen. Ever. The past few days have been the hardest and I think that's making it hard for me to put the effort forth in something so time consuming.

On the bright side though, I haven't missed a single workout. I even did the X Stretch on Sunday which is totally options. (Totally dumb too! But I would do it if I had the time or felt I needed to focus on stretching.)

I'm re-examining this program too. I don't intend to quit- I'm hoping I'll bounce back after a day or two of hubby being home. But it is a very time consuming program. I'm not sure why 60 minutes is so much longer than 45, but it is! I feel like morning is the best time to do it, although I hate the early mornings. I know I can't keep that up forever. Alot of people do several rounds of P90X... I don't think I'll ever do that!

I have thought about the future- because despite my struggles, I am getting stronger and hopefully leaner. Not sure pizza and peanut butter eggs are helping me get there - but like I said - stressful week! Anyways, I think after I finish P90X(to whatever capacity that may be) I will plan some sort of routine with the Jillian Michael's DVDs I have. I have 4 of them, two of them with several workouts, so there is variety. I think you can definitely get results with her shorter workouts. I have done many of them, and they are hard and easy to hate. But I think with the strength I'm gaining with P90X- it's got to be easier and not so hell-ish.

So that's what I think about when I'm working out and don't want to be! I'm definitely dreading tomorrow. It Plyometrics- the jumping video. Nothing sucks more when you feel depressed and want to curl up under the overs. I might wait until afternoon or evening when Mike is home to do that one. He owes me.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday- Day 13

I got a great night sleep. My youngest was at Grandma's house so I could sleep in! Whoo Hoo! But, I decided not to sleep in too long. This week not working out with my husband I purposely planned some workout during his nap time. That's worked out just fine. For me. But I'm realizing that my 5 year old son is desiring to be with me as I disappear into the basement. About half way through he comes downstairs and assures me I don't need to talk to him - he just wants to watch me. He proceeds to play with the few cool items downstairs and chatters the. whole. time. Although this is better then him being content in front of the TV or Wii.

So I got up earlier than I wanted to this morning to do Kenpo X and not be disrupt my son's day/security. It was a good workout. I'm faltering in my drive and motivation though. I don't think the workouts are suffering, although my diet is. I'm thankful I've seen some changes or else it would be easy to start skipping workouts. But I think to myself - wait to see the 30 day results. Don't quit because in 60 or 90 days(aka SUMMER!) you'll wish you never quit so you could own those results. Despite the faltering eating, I have lost 1 pound - so that's nice. It's been gone for about 3 days - so I think I did lose it!

Friday, April 13, 2012

P90X - Day 12

Have no fear, I'm still going strong!

It's amazing how on the second week I feel so much stronger and capable and the soreness is almost nonexistent. Don't worry, I'm working hard ~ I promise!

Yesterday was hard for me though. Mike is away and the kids have been stressing me out. My plan was to do my video(Yoga X) after the kids went to bed. So maybe not starting the day with exercise changes my ambition level for the day? I started out eating well, but during the afternoon my mood and willpower sunk. I ate a large cookie. A few pieces of chocolate. Then the leftovers(pizza and fries) from a restaurant. Then we got in the car and bought a Hot N Ready Pizza and Crazy Bread. I did, however, make salad and added alot of chicken to mine to help fill me up. I think I only ate one piece of pizza. And yah know what? I finally lost the first pound of this whole experiment. WHAT?!?!

I will never understand my body.

But, hopefully I'm starting the downward cycle. I know alot of people say they don't lose initially with P90X, but eventually it does come off. Hopefully I'll start losing a few - Lord knows I have a few to lose! I did notice the other day my pants fitting better, so I snuck a peak at my measurements. I'm already seeing a difference!!! And that's what matters! Can't wait to get to Day 30 and see the results. I'll post pictures.