Disney Weight Loss Goal: Deadline: October

Friday, August 20, 2010


I know - everyday should be a healthy day where I live out my healthy choices and new healthy "lifestyle." I wish I could say that were true. But "dieting" is hard for me. And I do go through spurts of healthy eating, and I am not against it(although I'm fairly "against" salads right now...) but I am currently in limbo and will return to the "healthy lifestyle" soon. aka diet.

I know I have the wrong mindset... but this is where I'm at.

I plan on returning to this focus when the kids head back to school... when the distractions of good weather fades away. When I can regularly make it to the gym, I will begin the healthy choices and healthy habits. Are they really habits when they depend so much on other circumstances?

My mind is so distracted. I find it so hard to focus or to organize anything. My mood (aka hormones) are all over the place. mostly down though. I think that the excitement of Celebration (annual BeautiControl conference) excites me so much - gives me great hope and opens my mind to possibilities... that now I'm realizing and falling short of those hopes. I want to get to the next level of BC - which I'm not sure what that means, but I want to do well at this! I really like it and there's something about the success that I really enjoy. But here I am, struggling to have spas and to make a bit of money - because I have some bills that come from this money. Maybe that's what's stressing me out too.

I'm sure alot of my weightloss efforts are wrapped up in my BC endeavor. It takes alot of my focus and can easily disrupt my mood. So, this month in particular - I put alot of effort into BC... and there are ups and downs. And I keep trying to think about how fine tune my spas. And something has to fall to the wayside...

So, did I meantion I was distracted? Because this post seems to be all over the place. But I hate to deleate it and rewrite it...

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